25. Adult vs Toddler

I’m going to guess you’ve all be either victim of or witness to a toddlers tantrum. It can taxing and relentless depending on how stubborn the toddler is. We all have toddlers living in our brain. I refer to adult brain and toddler brain a lot and today I introduce you to them more in depth and begin to discuss their purposes. I’ve also sprinkled in a couple examples from my own life to make the concepts come to life.

22. Self Care

What’s the biggest thing that keeps you from taking care of yourself? Time? Money? Others? Whatever the barriers are, it’s getting in the way of you feeling your very best and accomplishing from the very best of you. Join me as I share why self-care is important and some tips and tricks on how to combat your barriers.

20. Cultivating Desire

Lately I’ve been feeling more tired and my desire for certain things have been, well….lacking.
When we have big dreams, a lot of desire needs to be created to achieve them. But what if we can’t seem to muster up that needed desire? Then what?
Desire isn’t always something that comes easy. It can take an active effort to cultivate it. Listen for tips and tricks to get you moving towards your brilliant future-self again.

19. Self-Confidence

I wish I was more confident like her.
Yeah, me too!
What makes one person have more self-confidence than another? Here’s a hint, they weren’t just born with it.
Did you know that confidence is different then self-confidence? Listen to find out the difference and what true self-confidence is.
And I may tell a funny story about my Mother’s Day preparations that ties into self-confidence.

16. Grace vs Tough Love

There’s a delicate balance between grace and tough love. I believe both are needed to reach any dream or goal you may have for yourself.
Learn what grace and tough love mean and:
How to apply it
When to apply it
When to be onto yourself when you’re using them to stagnate your progress.
I also give a couple examples of how to apply them properly to keep you leveling up and reaching your highest potential.

15. Beauty

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What does that really mean? Today I look at beauty in many ways including how beauty is subjective, what’s common versus what’s normal, and give examples of how the concept of beauty has changed over the centuries. I also introduce a term called brain dripping and share small ways how you can start seeing your beauty that’s there and waiting for you to recognize it.