“He hurt my feelings.” “You’re stressing me out!”
This may surprise you, but your entire experience in this life is based on your thoughts, not what life hands you. In this episode, I discuss my own thoughts and how I allowed them to create a negative experience for me. I also reveal examples of thoughts that sound like worthy, lovely thoughts, but don’t serve us. A thought like:
“I want my kids to get along,”
can cause us so much pain. In fact, it can take away our power to live the life we want. Today is all about the thoughts you think and how to empower yourself to create the life you seek.
6. Fierce Inner Love
There are so many different kinds of love, but the most important is inner love. Fierce inner love. It will be the foundation that will make all the difference in how you show up with yourself, in your relationships, and in your life.
Learn why inner love is key and 4 ways how you can start practicing fierce inner love today.
Change Your Future in 3 Steps
I used to dread making goals. I’d think, what’s the point? I’m not going to keep them anyway. I still made them and I still failed, evoking feelings of shame…
1. Your Identity
In the first episode, I talk about identity and how we disempower ourselves by how we think.
I’ll discuss:
Noticing the stories you tell yourself that aren’t serving you.
How to take your power back.
Learning to love all of you.
3 reasons why you shouldn’t settle for happiness
As humans our main objective in life is to be happy. This totally makes sense because that’s one of our brain’s mainjobs, to seek out pleasure; and pleasure is a…
3 Ways to Start Believing in Yourself Today
Are there particular people you identify with in your life? Someone you really connect with without mucheffort at all. Can you identify with yourself in the same way? There was…